Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hawaii Clipper 1930's photos from WJ, he has so many cool images... I'm trying to convince him to start a Tumblr or Blog

 Believe it or not.. I can tell you who that is and what she's doing. The photographer who got this shot was at a historic event, the commissioning of the Hawaii Clipper, and that is Patricia Kennedy pouring coconut water over the bow (awesomely appropriate) it was May 1936, and in Pearl Harbor.  http://hawaii.gov/hawaiiaviation/aviation-photos/1930-1939/pan-american-airways/hawaii-clipper/
 The plane took 10 hours to get from California to Hawaii
from the early 30s I guess, when passenger travel to Hawaii was only by slow ships, sailing ships, slow cruise liners, or these awesome Pan Am clippers